Career + Finance

The comprehensive guide to planning a career break

The comprehensive guide to planning a career break

At some point in everyone’s career, we have all imagined taking an extended break from working. Whether you hate your job and have the overwhelming desire to scream “I quit!!!” and storm out, or a quieter desire to get out of the daily grind and enjoy more free time to focus on your family and passions —it’s a fantasy we can all relate to.

Don’t be afraid of a midlife career change (and how to make it happen) 

Don’t be afraid of a midlife career change (and how to make it happen) 

So, you’re dreaming of making a career change? Congrats, that is so exciting!   But … also extremely scary, right? Trust me; I get it. After so many years focused on a specific career or industry, it’s hard to imagine starting fresh and doing something else.  And even if you can imagine it,…

Career advice for modern women: the harsh truths and redefining success

Career advice for modern women: the harsh truths and redefining success

Let’s face it: the professional arena can be challenging for anyone to navigate, most especially for women.  From overcoming gender biases and stereotypes to the art of balancing work and personal life, women face many different hurdles in their professional journeys.  No matter where you are in your career path,…