Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here!

I am your typical, busy modern woman: a wife, mother, stepmom, daughter, sister, friend, coparent and professional.  So believe me when I say I understand how hard it is to live your best life while wearing all those hats!

After years of frustration trying to keep up in today’s hustle culture and navigating the inequalities we feel as women, I finally decided to challenge what I thought I was supposed to do with my life and make my own rules for the life I wanted.  So I stepped away from the corporate career I had spent 19 years building to focus on myself and my family, and to pursue my passion of empowering other women to create their best lives as well. 

I founded Breakthrough Loading in 2023 as an inspirational community for women to explore the everyday struggles and stereotypes we encounter, both big and small — with our partners, our children, our employers, and ourselves. 

So let’s bravely tackle the larger issues head-on and crack the cheat codes for the little ones.  Let’s debunk all the “should’s” and “should not’s” we’ve been trained to think and explore the possibilities of something different and beautiful for ourselves.  And yes, oftentimes different feels scary — but looking back on a life filled with regret seems so much scarier.

Thank you for joining me in this journey. Now let’s go find your breakthrough!

Tara Signature
Tara Standing (mauve)

What you can expect here

  • Tough love and honesty
  • Laughter, with a side of sarcasm
  • A supportive community

What you won’t find here

  • Accepting things “just are what they are”
  • Persistent sales pitches or loads of emails
  • Judgement or bullying (ever)

Life is short. We only get one chance.

Let’s challenge the status quo and make it count.

Get to Know Me

Tara B Desk
  • I am a huge math nerd, with a passion for writing and the creative. It wasn’t until I was in my thirties that I discovered my talent and love for writing. Just goes to show you that we don’t have to be defined as one thing or another!
  • Proud mother of 4 amazing girls – two of my own and two bonus daughters. They are my inspiration every day to fight for a better world for women everywhere.
  • Met the love of my life and now-husband JB in my late thirties, and he was absolutely worth the wait! He encourages and supports me to be the best version of myself.
  • We actually live within a mile of my ex-husband and his amazing wife, and we are so blessed to all get along so that we can co-parent these crazy girls together!
  • We live in the beautiful Alamo City – San Antonio, TX! While I have lived in Texas my entire life and have a hard time imagining being anywhere else, I do curse myself every summer for staying in the mad heat!
  • The most rewarding aspect of my corporate career was definitely mentoring, coaching and educating others. Which is kind of how I ended up here …
  • If you want to challenge me, tell me I can’t do something.

Where you can find me

Ready to challenge the status quo?

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